
IFLA School Library Guidelines, June 2015, IFLA Professional Committee.

https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/school-libraries-resource-centers/publications/ifla-school-library-guidelines.pdf より一部抜粋(原文はCC-BY)






6.5 School library public relations
The concept of public relations focuses on long-term interaction and strategic communication that build beneficial relationships between an organization and its publics—a school library and its stakeholders (see section 3.5.4 Community engagement).

6.5 学校図書館のPR活動
(「3.5.4 社会貢献」を参照のこと。)


Marketing and promotion focus on more immediate products and services developed to meet the wants and needs of a library’s users. In contrast, advocacy is fundamentally about action for change or the advancement of an idea or issue. In the long term, supportive relationships need to be built with the school library’s stakeholder groups and supporters: This is school library advocacy. Both promotion and marketing and also advocacy need to be planned and implemented in a systematic way. Promotion and marketing are a part of the school-based work of a school librarian; a school librarian also has a part to play in advocacy but usually advocacy is planned and carried out by a group such as a school library association. The primary focus of school library promotion and marketing is the users of the library: Here the concern is library use. The focus of school library advocacy is the decision-makers and the people who can influence the decision-makers: Here the concern is library funding and other kinds of support that make the work of a school librarian possible.



6.5.1 Promotion and Marketing
Promotion is one-way—communicating to users about what a library has to offer. Marketing is a two-way exchange—trying to match the library’s services to the needs and preferences of potential users. The services and facilities provided by a school library must be actively promoted and marketed so that the target groups (both the school and the larger community) are aware of the library’s role as a partner in learning and a provider of desirable services and resources.

6.5.1 プロモーションとマーケティング


A school library should have a written promotional and marketing plan worked out in cooperation with stakeholders. The plan should include: desired objectives; an action plan that indicates how the objectives will be achieved; and evaluation methods by which the success of promotion and marketing actions will be assessed. The promotional and marketing plan should be evaluated, reviewed, and revised annually; the plan as a whole should be discussed thoroughly by a school librarian and the school administration at least once every second year.



6.5.2 Advocacy
Advocacy is a planned, sustained effort to develop understanding and support incrementally, over time. Advocacy is related to but different from promotion and marketing. School library advocacy is about developing understanding and support from key decision-makers; it is about raising awareness and increasing knowledge; and it takes time and planning. School library advocacy efforts should focus on engaging decision-makers and those who influence decisionmakers, rather than school library users.

6.5.2 アドボカシー


Advocacy is about building relationships.

Advocacy is about influencing others. Research has established six universal principles related to influencing others (Cialdini, 2006). These principles of persuasion are essential to advocacy success: reciprocity, liking, authority, social proof, consistency/commitment, and scarcity. Reciprocity and Liking are about building relationships. People often do things for others because others have done something for them and because they like the other person. Authority and Social Proof are about making decisions in times of uncertainty. People often do things because someone in authority recommends an action or because others like them are doing that. Consistency/Commitment and Scarcity are about moving people to action. People are more willing to do something if they perceive that the action is consistent with their values and if they perceive that action will prevent them from losing something that they value.
These universal principles should be kept in mind to guide the planning of an advocacy program. For example, school librarians often need to target other librarians in the national library association to bring them onside to support a school library policy issue. Following are some guiding questions that might be helpful in planning an advocacy program.

 アドボカシーとは他者に影響を与えることである。研究によって他者に影響を与えることに関する6つの普遍原理が立証された(Cialdini, 2006)。これらの説得の原理はアドボカシーを成功させるために不可欠であり、それは「返報性」、「好意」、「権威」、「社会的証明」、「一貫性」、「希少性」である。「返報性」と「好意」は関係構築に関することである。人々は多くの場合、他者が自分のために何かをしてくれたからという理由で、またその人が好きだからという理由で他者のために何かをする。「権威」と「社会的証明」は半信半疑の状態である際の決定に関することである。人々は多くの場合、権威のある誰かが薦めているからという理由で、また彼らのような他者がそれを行っているからという理由で何かをする。「一貫性」、「希少性」は人々を行動に移させることを指す。人々はその行動が自分の価値にと矛盾せず一貫したものであると認めた場合に、またその行動によって彼らが評価している何かを失うことを防ぐと認めた場合により何かをしようという気持ちになる。


• Scarcity: What might other librarians lose if school libraries are not well supported?
• Consistency/Commitment: What values do they share with you?
• Authority: Whose opinions do they respect?
• Social Proof: What other national associations have supported school library policy?
• Reciprocity: How can you support other librarians in the association with their issues?
• Liking: What do you like about other librarians and how can you show that?



Advocacy is something that school librarians and their allies can do if they join together with others and move forward in a planned way. The IFLA Online Learning Platform (www.ifla.org/bsla) provides resources for those who want to advocate for libraries and want to know more about how to do that. This site includes materials specific to school library advocacy, including case studies about forming a school library network, about changing school library legislation, and about developing school libraries as a force for educational reform. Advocacy is essential for enhancing and maintaining school library development. Both advocacy and evaluation build understanding and support for the work of improving teaching and learning for all individuals in our schools.

アドボカシーとは、学校司書とその同盟者が他者と団結して計画的に前進した場合に成しうるものである。IFLAのオンライン ラーニング プラットフォーム(www.ifla.org/bsla)では図書館のアドボカシーを行いたい者、どのようにそれを行うかより知りたい者にリソースを提供している。このサイトには学校図書館ネットワークの形成について、学校図書館の法令改正について、教育改革の一勢力としての学校図書館の発展についての事例研究を含む学校図書館に特化した資料がある。アドボカシーは学校図書館の発展の増進と持続に必要不可欠である。アドボカシーと評価の両方が理解を高め、学校における全ての個人の教育と学習の改善業務を支援するものである。